Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It true that straight hair grows faster than curly hair?

If so, why? and how can I get my curly hair to grow faster?

It true that straight hair grows faster than curly hair?

no, it just looks like its shorter but grows the same as stright

It true that straight hair grows faster than curly hair?

Yes. Curly hair has to ask directions.

It true that straight hair grows faster than curly hair?

No, it's not true. Do you know how to look us ask.com? Ask it.

It true that straight hair grows faster than curly hair?

i think it just takes longer for curly hair to be noticably longer. i don't think it grows any faster or slower than straight hair though. get a regular trim and you'll notice your hair growing.

It true that straight hair grows faster than curly hair?

no its so not. the how fast or slow ur hair grows only has to do with the type of ur hair...

It true that straight hair grows faster than curly hair?

They grow at the same pace. But in the case of the curly hair, the grown bit of hair also curls and looks shorter compared to the grown bit of straight hair...

It just the way it is with the whole hair... Even though both are of the same lenth when you measure them end to end, the curly hair will look smaller- simply because its all curled up...

It true that straight hair grows faster than curly hair?

don't think they grow at different rates, just easy to see when straight hair has grown.

It true that straight hair grows faster than curly hair?

No it just seems that way because curly hair looks shorter because the curl keeps it up higher ... the curly hair takes longer to get to the shoulder than straight hair because it takes a longer route to get there.

in other words it takes the long road... LOL

It true that straight hair grows faster than curly hair?

No, they grow at the same rate. It's just that curly hair curls thus making it look shorter.

It true that straight hair grows faster than curly hair?

It just seems that way, because straight hair grows straight out from the head and curly hair has to travel in a corkscrew shape. If you pull the curly hair straight, it will be just as long as the straight hair. My daughters hair is to her waist when it is wet and shrinks up to her shoulder blades when it's dry. It just seems shorter and like it doesn't grow as fast.

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